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AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams FAQs
AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams FAQ
General Information
When will the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams: Setup and Administration Guide be available?
My testing computers already have the AP Chinese and AP Japanese exam application installed from last year. Do I need to reinstall?
Will local IT staff need to be available to help administer the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
What should I do if I need technical support during setup or during the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exams?
Will I need special hardware to administer the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exams?
How do I handle an incident during the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exam administration?
Testing Sites
Are there special requirements for the room/location for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
What if our school can’t test all AP Chinese and AP Japanese students during the regularly scheduled exam window due to space or equipment issues or limitations?
Exam Format
How is the format of the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams different from other AP world language and culture exams?
How is the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exam timing controlled?
How is the speaking part of the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams recorded?
Is there a break during the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams?
Chinese Language and Culture Exam
What does the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam assess?
How long is the administration of the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam?
Do students have a choice in written expression on the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam, such as using traditional versus simplified characters?
Japanese Language and Culture Exam
What does the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam assess?
How long is the administration of the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam?
Technical Requirements
Which operating systems are supported for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams?
Can the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams be administered on Macs?
Can the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams be administered on Chromebooks?
Are there requirements regarding the size of monitor screens for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Are there specifications regarding which headsets can be used for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Are there special procedures or best practices for setting up the headsets for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Exam Installation and Readiness Checks
What is the setup process for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Do I need to designate separate computers for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams when I install the exam application?
Do I need to complete installation and readiness checks on all my testing computers on the same day for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
When is the deadline to complete installation and readiness checks for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
How long will setup take for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Are there any differences in how the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams run on different operating systems?
Input Method Editors (IMEs)
What are IMEs?
Which IMEs are required for AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams?
How do I confirm the required IMEs are enabled for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Exam Day
How will students launch the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
What do I need to know about the room setup for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
What security measures should we take to prevent students from accessing their computer’s hard drive, their personal email, or other online resources during the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Do I need to use a scratch paper template for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
What should I do in the event of a power outage or if the internet connection is lost during the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exam administration?
What should I do if there’s a technical issue in the middle of the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exam?
After the Administration
How are student responses for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams sent back to the AP Program for scoring?
Do I need to remove anything from the AP Chinese and AP Japanese testing computers?
Can I remove the exam application from testing computers after the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exam administration?
What should I do with students’ scratch paper after the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
How do I know what types of testing accommodations are available for my students?
I have students who have been approved for extended time. Can they take the AP Chinese or AP Japanese Exams?
Are extended time testing accommodations for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams handled the same way as the other AP world languages?
I have a student who has a documented disability. Can they take the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
How are break accommodations administered for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?
Thank you.
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