
AP Data and Research

The AP Program gathers a wealth of data each year on AP Exam participation, performance, and volume that provide insight about exam takers worldwide. Available in both PDF and Excel formats, these reports include detailed data separated into categories that can be used to evaluate relative performance and participation during a single school year or over a span of years. 

National and State Data 

Fair access to advanced courses is a priority for the AP Program. These reports are designed to offer policymakers, school officials, and advocates the information they need to measure progress. Our shared goal is providing more students with preparation for and meaningful access to AP courses. 

Summary Reports 

The following reports provide a broad overview of AP Program participation. PDFs require Adobe Reader (latest version recommended). 

Score Distributions 

These reports include detailed information about which AP scores were earned. 

Exam Volume 

The reports below show how the AP Program has grown. 

Other Information and Data 

These reports provide supplemental information. 

We are streamlining how we report data on our programs and services, including AP data. On the AP Program Results site, you can find links to extensive reporting on AP participation and performance of graduating classes as well as AP Exam administrations. If there is a data point that isn't available here, please follow the instructions below and we will do our best to fulfill your request.

  • Requests from schools, districts, and state departments of education should be made through the College Board regional offices.
  • All other requests should be made via this form.



Archived AP Score Distribution Data by Subject

See the past 3 years of reports that include detailed information about which AP scores were earned.