Professional Learning

Deepen your instruction and elevate your students’ learning potential by participating in professional learning programs, both in person and online.

AP Summer Institutes

AP Summer Institutes offer thorough professional learning for AP educators. Attendees engage in 30 hours of content-rich training designed to strengthen how they teach their AP courses.

Three educators chatting during a workshop break

AP Workshops

AP workshops feature ready-to-use strategies and pedagogical tools to help you plan and focus your instruction. You’ll explore the AP course and exam description, the exam, classroom resources, and more.

Educator exploring workshops on her laptop

AP Mentoring

AP Mentoring is your opportunity to have ongoing support in a small, online group setting with experienced AP teachers. Your mentor group will be tailored to your needs and experience level. You can also apply to become an AP mentor.

AP Project Based Learning Series

Take part in the AP Project Based Learning Series to help students build knowledge and skills through sustained investigation of complex, real-world problems.

Available For:

  • AP Environmental Science
  • AP Human Geography
  • AP Statistics
  • AP U.S. Government and Politics
  • AP World History: Modern
Teacher observing a couple of student ideating on a small board while sitting at their computers

Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators

Get the latest training, professional learning opportunities, and resources for AP coordinators.

Additional Opportunities

Join the AP Community

Connect online with colleagues, participate in discussions with experts, and share classroom-ready materials.

Join Now

Become an AP Reader

Gain an in-depth understanding of the AP Exam and connect with over 20,000 high school and higher education colleagues.

Learn How to Apply

Become an AP Workshop Consultant

Apply to share your expertise with colleagues and exchange ideas with talented educators across the nation.

Apply Now

Grow Your AP Program

States that commit to train at least 100 teachers in an AP subject will receive free professional learning in that subject from the AP Program. Districts that commit to train at least 20 teachers in an AP subject will also receive free professional learning in that subject from the AP Program. For new teachers and new course offerings only.