

What is the setup process for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams?

  • AP coordinators will be emailed in March by the AP Program when the exam application is available for download and installation.
  • For testing computers that already have the exam application installed from the previous exam administration, you likely won't need to reinstall. The exam application will automatically update when it's launched.
  • Schools need to download and install the exam application on each testing computer planned for use on exam day. All details and instructions for downloading and installing the exam application are in the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams: Setup and Administration Guide (available at
  • During the setup process, a best practice is to prepare extra testing computers before exam day in case a student encounters an issue while taking the exam. If an exam issue can’t be resolved by restarting the exam, the student may need to move to another testing computer.
  • A continuous internet connection is required during setup and during the exam administration. Setup includes:
    1. Installing the exam application on each testing computer and
    2. Running a readiness check on each testing computer.
  • Technical support will contact schools that have not completed installation and readiness checks by late April.