

Review key facts and features and this provider’s answers to frequently asked questions below.

The following responses are provided for convenience and informational purposes only. Their appearance here does not constitute endorsement or approval by College Board of any of the products, services, or opinions of the Provider and College Board bears no responsibility for their accuracy. The answers have been taken directly from Provider responses and have been edited only for clarity and/or brevity.

MyPaymentsPlus is a Participating Provider. Visit the MyPaymentsPlus product website for more information.

Facts and Features

  • Available On: Desktop and mobile devices with an internet connection
  • Payment Types Accepted: Credit cards, e-checks
  • Import Capabilities: Able to import student rosters; registration and deposit reports can be exported into Excel or PDF files
  • Account Requirements: Students and parents must create an account using student ID and last name to access
  • Customer Service: Phone, email, or live chat support

Frequently Asked Questions for AP Coordinators

How can student enrollments and payments be reconciled between your system and the AP Registration and Ordering system?

The MyPaymentsPlus Advanced Placement Exam module provides a comprehensive solution for districts to efficiently manage registrations for proctored exams. Within this module, administrators have the capability to input all exams offered at all schools, link them to courses, set pricing based on eligibility status, link to important documents, and even notify users of scheduling conflicts.

Financial reporting will assist high-level administrators in seeing the funds brought in for AP Exams, by account code. In addition, financial reporting can be used to reconcile online payments with the district bank account deposits and/or school funding account deposits.

Do you integrate with my Student Information System (SIS)?

Yes, we integrate with several SIS systems.

What tools do you have to help manage communication and follow up with students and their families? How are students notified to make a payment?

MyPaymentsPlus has a marketing team dedicated to parent communications. Our marketing team can send custom notifications to make parents aware of registration options. The notifications can be sent on a one-time or scheduled basis. We also have many features with automated communication settings, such as email receipts following an online payment.

What customer support do you offer to students and families?

We offer on-site or remote training to AP coordinators along with documentation and user process guides. Our in-house support team assists AP coordinators with any questions they may have via email, phone, or chat. We also have recorded training sessions and conduct webinars. A customer success advisor will check-in periodically to see if you need any additional assistance.

What customer support and training do you offer to schools and AP coordinators?

We offer on-site or remote training to AP coordinators along with documentation and user process guides. Our in-house support team assists AP coordinators with any questions they may have via email, phone, or chat. We also have recorded training sessions and conduct webinars. A customer success advisor will check-in periodically to see if you need any additional assistance.

How and when do schools receive collected exam fees?

AP Exam payment deposits occur daily. Credit card transactions typically take 2–3 business days to deposit to the school’s or district’s bank account.

Do you support customized exam fees? Do you support payment/installment plans?

We support customized exam fees including different pricing based on eligibility. A count of free exams can be set by course grouping (such as STEM) or by eligibility. Registration fees can also be set. Exams would need to be paid for during registration or the school/district could set up student fees to accept installments.

What methods of payment do you accept (e.g., credit card, bank account, etc.)? What types of mobile-friendly payment options do you offer?

MyPaymentsPlus accepts all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. We also take electronic checks.

How do you keep student and payment data secure and private?

Security is at the core of MyPaymentsPlus. We’ve never experienced a security breach. MyPaymentsPlus is PCI compliant using the same security methods as online banking. We use state-of-the-art web application firewalls and vulnerability and penetration testing. Our environment is fully redundant.

How much does your service cost? Describe your pricing. Please indicate whether you have any one-time setup fees, transaction fees, per student/per exam fees, etc.

MyPaymentsPlus has no setup fees. A transaction fee would apply to any online payments. When you decide to use MyPaymentsPlus you will have access to a customer success advisor, a marketing coordinator, and our in-house support team to assist you at no additional cost.