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Digital AP Exams FAQ
Digital AP Exams FAQ
Will students’ scores be impacted because they find digital testing easier or harder than paper testing?
How does College Board protect the integrity and security of AP Exams?
What happens if a student is unable to take the digital exam due to an unanticipated event during the exam administration, such as illness or technical issues?
Does this change to digital testing impact the exam content?
Will students be able to go back in the multiple-choice and free-response sections?
What about AP Exams that allow or require the use of calculators?
Hybrid Digital AP Exams
How will the hybrid digital AP Exams work?
Why do students need AP ID labels for the hybrid digital AP Exams?
Will the free-response booklets contain graphs or diagrams for students to write their responses on?
Will reference materials for hybrid digital AP Exams be printed, or provided in Bluebook?
Will proctors provide directions to students about how to write their responses in the free-response booklets for hybrid digital AP Exams?
What kinds of devices can students test on?
Does each student need their own device?
What about issues with connectivity or battery life?
I’m nervous about my school’s Wi-Fi. What if I lose internet connection during the exams?
My school doesn’t have enough devices for all students in certain subjects to test at the same time. What options do I have?
I’m concerned that my school doesn’t have the capacity to provide power to all digital AP Exam takers at the same time. What should I do?
Exam Administration Planning
Will the digital AP Exams start automatically, or will schools be able to manage the start time?
What are the room and seating requirements for digital AP Exams?
Can students launch Bluebook and begin exam check-in before the scheduled start time for their digital AP Exam?
How does the scheduled break work for digital AP Exams with two sections?
Exam Administration
How do proctors administer digital AP Exams?
What is Test Day Toolkit?
Can AP coordinators use Test Day Toolkit to assign themselves to a room as a proctor?
Can the same staff member be added to proctor multiple exams?
What about backup if the proctor is sick on exam day?
Are late-testing exams also given digitally?
Do separate accommodations requests need to be submitted for students who will be taking digital AP Exams?
Will students testing with extended time be required to use the entire amount of their extended time?
Can a student take a digital AP Exam with a different accommodation than they were previously approved for?
How can I determine how long a digital AP Exam with extended time will be?
Will students testing with accommodations need to take the digital AP Exam in a separate room?
What preparation is needed for students who will be taking a digital AP Exam using assistive technology?
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