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- Digital AP Exams FAQ
- Active Page: Accommodations
- Do separate accommodations requests need to be submitted for students who will be taking digital AP Exams?
- Will students testing with extended time be required to use the entire amount of their extended time?
- Can a student take a digital AP Exam with a different accommodation than they were previously approved for?
- How can I determine how long a digital AP Exam with extended time will be?
- Will students testing with accommodations need to take the digital AP Exam in a separate room?
- What preparation is needed for students who will be taking a digital AP Exam using assistive technology?
- Is there a dictation/speech-to-text tool within the digital AP Exam?
- How do students approved for breaks as needed pause their digital AP Exam?
- Are temporary supports available for digital AP Exams?
- Do schools need to complete NAR forms for digital AP Exams?
- For AP Computer Science Principles (CSP), how will the Personalized Project Reference needed for Section II of the exam be provided for students testing with an accommodation such as assistive technology?
- What steps need to be taken to prepare for a student who will be taking a digital exam over multiple days?