Score Reports and Services for Colleges

Important Updates

Please review these updates with your staff or student information system vendor as soon as possible. 

New Exams on Score Reports Starting July 2024

Two new AP Exams will be reported to institutions starting July 2024:

  • AP Precalculus: This will appear as exam code 65 in the electronic score report.
  • AP African American Studies: This will appear as exam code 10 in the electronic score report.

Changes to Score Report Fields for 2024

Changes to the data fields reported on electronic and paper score report are effective as of May 2024. Details and the updated student data record layout are available below.

Discontinuation of Paper Score Reports in Spring 2025

After the spring of 2025, paper delivery of AP score reports will be discontinued and AP score reports will only be available via internet delivery. No action is needed right now if your campus or organization receives AP score reports via paper delivery.

Internet Delivery

Colleges can choose to participate in internet delivery of scores in addition to or in lieu of paper delivery by completing the College and University AP Score Reporting Services Order Form, sent to each college in April.

  • Schools may elect to participate in electronic score reporting at any time in the year. However, in order to receive scores electronically in time for initial July 2024 reporting, colleges must contact AP Services no later than May 15, 2024. Requests received after May 15 will be accommodated with follow-up score reporting.
  • Colleges that don’t receive this form or that wish to modify their current delivery model should contact AP Code Control at 866-609-2447 (option 3) or email [email protected].

Internet Delivery: Format and Requirements

Internet delivery of scores is available free of charge in a non-delimited flat-file format (ASCII). Institutions will need to acquire or purchase the required software, either PGP Desktop Professional 2.6.2 and higher, or GnuPG 2.0 and higher. If you currently have GnuPG or PGP Desktop Professional, make sure it’s one of these supported versions that can create the 2048-bit RSA key required to receive AP score data electronically:

  • Internet delivery of scores uses an anonymous server.
  • After scores are processed, the electronic score report is placed on the server, triggering an email informing schools that data are available for download.
  • The email contains an internet address that can then be accessed to collect, save, and process the data.
  • Reporting of exam scores for the 2024 exam administration will start in July.
  • Review the resources below with your IT/operations staff and/or student information system vendor to ensure you are ready to receive and interpret the electronic files.

Changes to Score Report Fields Effective May 2024

The data privacy landscape continues to evolve, impacting the way College Board connects with students and handles student data.

In response to these changes, we need to revise the content of AP score reports. The layout of the electronic and paper score reports will remain the same, but certain fields (listed below) will always be blank.

Field NameNumber in Electronic FileLocation in Electronic FileStatus in Electronic File
Educational Level14157Blank starting May 2024. This field will also no longer be reported on paper score reports.
Expected College Entrance15158-160Already blank
Student Search17162Blank starting May 2024
Best Language18163Already blank
Applying for Sophomore Standing19164Already blank
Previous AI Year21173-174, 181-182Blank starting May 2024
Previous AI Code22175-180, 183-188Blank starting May 2024
Exam Suppression Flag48548 (repeats for each set of exam scores)Already blank
Class Section Code49549 (repeats for each set of exam scores)Already blank
Service Type54887-888Blank starting May 2024
Service Code55889-892Blank starting May 2024
Ordering Institution Key56893-900Blank starting May 2024
Race/Ethnicity Student Response;57901-911Blank starting May 2024
Derived Aggregate Race Ethnicity59934-935Blank starting May 2024

The remaining fields will stay populated at the same number and location in the electronic file. These include fields critical for identifying and matching students and for granting credit and placement: the student’s name, date of birth, address, gender, AP ID, and most recent high school information. (AP score reports will remain cumulative, and include all scores and awards earned by the student throughout their entire AP Exam-taking career.)

Students will still be able to send their AP scores through their College Board accounts, and your institution may still use data from these score reports for application support, recruitment, and outreach.

Please review the summary of changes (.pdf) and updated student data record layout (.pdf) with your IT/operations staff and/or student information system vendor as soon as possible to ensure you’ll be ready to interpret AP student score records.

Contact Us

For questions about internet delivery of scores, contact AP Code Control at 866-609-2447 (option 3) or email [email protected].


Why are you discontinuing paper delivery of AP score reports?

Online delivery of AP score reports is faster, more environmentally friendly, and unaffected by external factors such as postal service delays.  

After this change, a small number of AP score reports may still be sent via paper delivery if they are archived—that is, if the scores are from 2006 exams or earlier. 

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What should I do to prepare for the end of paper delivery in 2025?

You don’t need to take any action now. 

A new online score reporting service will be available before paper score reports are discontinued in 2025. The new service will be simpler and more user-friendly, and won’t require technical expertise to set up and access.  

If you’re currently receiving internet delivery, your score reports will not be impacted. You’ll receive your electronic files with no disruption as we transition to paperless reporting. 

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Which courses’ names changed in 2019-20, and how does this impact how my institution may grant credit or placement for those courses?

Starting with the 2020 AP Exam administration, the following courses were renamed: 

  • AP Drawing was previously known as AP Studio Art: Drawing. 

  • AP 2-D Art and Design was previously known as AP Studio Art: 2-D Design. 

  • AP 3-D Art and Design was previously known as AP Studio Art: 3-D Design. 

  • AP World History: Modern was previously known as AP World History. 

The exam codes for these subjects did not change. 

Starting in the 2019-20 school year, AP World History changed both course coverage and exam name, while keeping the same exam code (93) in electronic score reports. AP World History: Modern (associated with a 2020 or later exam) covers content beginning in 1200 CE, while AP World History (associated with a 2019 or earlier exam) covers content beginning with the Paleolithic Era.  

When processing AP scores for these exams please make sure to account for the administration year in which the exam was taken to appropriately assign credit and determine placement for students, as they will both appear with the same exam code (93) on electronic score reports and the same exam name (AP World History: Modern) on paper score reports. 

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