America on the World Stage: An Essay Series from the Organization of American Historians and AP

In 2004, the Organization of American Historians Magazine of History launched an essay series, "America on the World Stage," conceived and overseen by the OAH-Advanced Placement Joint Advisory Board on Teaching the U.S. History Survey.

The essays take up the challenge posed by the OAH's LaPietra Report (2000) that it is time for "rethinking American History in a global age." Internationalizing the teaching of U.S. history will help students "better understand the emergence of the United States in the world and the significance of its power and presence."

The essays emphasize both the importance and distinctiveness of the American national experience in the context of world history. Treatment of subjects and themes will be both comparative and "interactive" (i.e., showing how American events are actually interrelated with events elsewhere).

OAH-AP Joint Advisory Board Members

Gary W. Reichard, Chairman and Project Editor, California State University, Long Beach
Joyce E. Chaplin, Harvard University
Ted M. Dickson, Providence Day School, Charlotte, North Carolina
Michelle Forman, Middlebury Union High School, Middlebury, Vermont
Michael Grossberg, Indiana University
David Robert Huehner, University of Wisconsin, Washington County
Lee W. Formwalt, Organization of American Historians
Michael Johanek, the College Board
Susanna Robbins, Organization of American Historians
Uma Venkateswaran, Educational Testing Service

Authored by

Gary W. Reichard
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California