
Teaching Modules

The module you choose will be your main resource for the year. It will guide you through:

  • Determining an actionable topic that fits your course
  • Incorporating WE’s service learning framework and resources
  • Identifying local and global service opportunities that translate classroom learning into hands-on problem solving

AP with WE Service for All Module

The AP with WE Service for All module gives you a framework to incorporate service learning into your classroom, no matter what AP course you teach, and it provides teachers the most flexibility to customize the program to fit their particular course. Instead of offering built-in topics, the module guides you and your students through investigating a topic that is important to them within the context of your AP course. The student workbook is embedded in the module.

We also offer two guides to civic participation projects that can be integrated within the AP with Service for All module to help students meet their local service learning requirement. These guides, created in collaboration with, supply examples and directions for incorporating the optional projects—one on voter registration and one on census participation—into your course.

Course-Specific Modules

These modules contain lessons, activities, and videos specific to an AP course. They can be implemented as they are, modified to fit a different course, or simply taken as examples. And keep in mind that you can use the AP with WE Service for All module, linked above, for any AP course. You don’t have to use one of the course-specific modules; they’re available if you want to use them.

AP U.S. Government and Politics

Explore two modules from the Civic Knowledge and Action Project that help AP U.S. Government and Politics teachers guide students through an applied civics project. These optional civics projects are designed to meet the local AP with WE Service project requirement and enable students to participate in a project that will engage them through the real-world application of their coursework.

To access these project modules, visit the AP U.S. Government and Politics Classroom Resources page and download Civic Knowledge & Action Project: Voter Registration Drive or Civic Knowledge & Action Project: Census Participation Campaign.