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AP United States Government and Politics

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Whether you’re teaching in person or online, these free, flexible online resources can keep your class on pace throughout the year.

Additional Resources for AP U.S. Government and Politics

These materials were developed before the 2023-24 course updates, but they still provide relevant information about teaching AP U.S. Government and Politics.

Voter Turnout Lesson Plan (from the Civic Knowledge and Action Initiative)

While voting plays a critical role in a healthy republic, many Americans do not take 
advantage of this civic right. A variety of structural and cultural variables may 
contribute to this paradox. Data analysis is a method employed by political scientists 
to understand why this discrepancy exists. In this lesson, students will examine data 
related to registration and voting. It’s important for students to understand why the 
inconsistencies in voting exist and if there are ways to correct these issues through 
civic engagement. 

Both teacher and student instructional materials are found in AP Classroom under Topic 5.2 Voter Turnout. 

Analytical Reading Activities

College Board has developed a suite of analytical reading activities for AP U.S. Government and Politics teachers.

The Analytical Reading Activities were developed by a team of master teachers to help you teach the nine required documents and implement the AP U.S. Government and Politics course skills in your classroom.

The following features make these activities valuable and flexible resources for teachers and students:

  • Paired readings have students practice analyzing other primary sources, news articles, and scholarly works by political scientists.
  • Before, during, and after reading exercises help students connect the text to course content.
  • Guided questions appear alongside the paragraphs to help students analyze as they go, modeling proven approaches for student understanding.
  • Making connections with summative exercises guide students in connecting both readings to our government today.

These activities were designed to guide students in how to properly read, analyze, and annotate a text. And with the emphasis on multiple founding documents, students gain vital practice with complex and college-level readings that political scientists use in their work.

Log in to AP Classroom to access both the student and teacher versions of the following activities: 

  1. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 1.1: Ideals of Democracy
    Required Document: excerpts from The Declaration of Independence
  2. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 1.3: Government Power and Individual Rights
    Required Documents: excerpts from Federalist 10 & excerpts from Brutus 1
  3. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 1.4: Challenges of the Articles of Confederation
    Required Document: excerpts from Articles of Confederation
  4. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 1.6: Principles of American Government
    Required Document: excerpts from Federalist 51
  5. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 1.8: Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism
    Required Document: The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
  6. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 2.6: The Expansion of Presidential Power
    Required Document: excerpts from Federalist 70
  7. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 2.8: The Judicial Branch
    Required Document: excerpts from Federalist 78
  8. Analytical Reading Activity Topic 3.10: Social Movements and Equal Protection
    Required Document: excerpts from Letter from a Birmingham Jail, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Lessons Developed with the National Constitution Center

These lessons provide teachers and students with a framework to broadly explore concepts and connections between those concepts that span more than one topic.

Federalism, the Commerce Clause, and the Tenth Amendment:

The Constitution includes language that can be interpreted as supporting a nation-centered view of federalism and other areas that one could argue support a state-centered perspective. In order to help students develop a deeper understanding of the role of federalism, this lesson module uses the National Constitution Center's Interactive Constitution, which presents diverse interpretations of constitutional language, particularly that found in the enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8 and in the Tenth Amendment. Students read and analyze these diverse interpretations and draw conclusions about how federalism has been understood and implemented over time. The Leader's Notes (.pdf/1.43MB) and Student Handbook (.pdf/891KB) are available for your use.

The Development and Application of the First Amendment:

This lesson focuses on the First Amendment, its origins, and how it has been interpreted. Using Writing Rights: The Bill of Rights, the National Constitution Center’s interactive website, students trace the origins of the First Amendment in order to deepen their understanding of the rights it protects. Students then investigate and discuss how the Supreme Court has interpreted and applied the amendment to different conflict scenarios in landmark cases. The Leader’s Notes (.pdf/1.27MB) and Student Handbook (.pdf/924KB) are available for your use.

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Online Resources Recommended by AP Teachers

A list of online resources recommended by your fellow AP U.S. Government and Politics teachers.