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AP Coordinator Resource Library
Resources for the 2024-25 school year will be posted on this page as they become available.
AP Coordinator's Manual
AP Coordinator's Manual
AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 1, 2024-25
This manual provides detailed information about everything AP coordinators need to do from the start of the school year through the November 15 exam ordering deadline.
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AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 2, 2024-25
This manual provides detailed information about all modes of testing (fully digital, hybrid digital, and paper) for the AP Exam administration, and information about returning and paying for exams.
- 5.63 MB
Accommodations for AP Exams
Accommodations for AP Exams
AP Accommodations Guide, 2024-25
This all-new guide, which replaces the SSD Guidelines, is a “one-stop shop” for details about planning and administering AP Exams (fully digital, hybrid digital, and paper) with accommodations.
- 3.54 MB
Setup, Enrollment, and Ordering Resources
Setup, Enrollment, and Ordering Resources
For AP Coordinators: Setup, Enrollment, and Ordering
An overview and timeline of the steps teachers, AP coordinators, and students need to take before the final ordering deadline.
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For Teachers: Helping Students Join Your AP Class Section
Follow these instructions to get class join codes and ensure students have joined class sections, and also get tips for using AP Daily, topic questions, and progress checks in your classroom.
- 12.36 MB
For Students: Joining Your AP Class Section
Provide students with these step-by-step instructions to join AP class sections online.
- 7.35 MB
AP Registration and Ordering Video Series
Created by AP coordinators for AP coordinators, this series of videos features step-by-step guidance on common tasks in AP Registration and Ordering.
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Additional Support
Additional Support
Important Updates for AP Coordinators for 2024-25
This page will be updated throughout the year with important developments from the AP Program.
Annual Calendar and Deadlines for AP Coordinators
View the deadlines and milestones AP coordinators need to know to order and administer AP Exams.
Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators
The latest training and professional development resources for AP coordinators.
Exam Administration Resources
Exam Administration Resources
Exam Day Door Signs
Print and post these “Exam in Progress” and “No Devices” signs on exam room doors and hallways.
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Returning AP Exam Materials Instructions, 2024-25
This provides step-by-step instructions for packing and returning your AP Exam materials to the AP Program.
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