The list below represents examples of textbooks that meet the curricular requirements of AP Statistics. The list is not exhaustive and the texts listed should not be regarded as endorsed, authorized, recommended, or approved by College Board. Not using a book from this list does not mean that a course will not receive authorization. Syllabi submitted as part of the AP Course Audit process will be evaluated holistically, with textbooks considered along with supplementary resources to confirm that the course as a whole provides students with the content delineated in the curricular requirements of the AP Course Audit.
The current editions of the following textbooks meet the Course Audit curricular requirements. Earlier editions of these texts or other textbooks not listed here may meet the AP Course Audit curricular requirements if supplemented with appropriate college-level instructional resources. While every effort is made to keep this list current, it can take a few months for newly published titles and revised editions to be reviewed.
For discussions regarding the usefulness of these texts and other teaching materials in the AP Statistics classroom, please consult the AP Statistics Teacher Community.
- Bock, David E., Paul F. Velleman, Richard D. De Veaux, and Floyd Bullard. Stats: Modeling the World. 5th edition. Boston: Pearson.
- Brase, Charles H., and Corrinne P. Brase. Understandable Statistics Concepts and Methods. 13th edition. Cengage Learning.
- De Veaux , Richard D., David E. Bock, and Paul F. Velleman. Intro Stats. 6th edition. Pearson.
- Diez, David, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, and Leah Dorazio. Advanced High School Statistics .2nd edition. OpenIntro, Inc.
- Moore, David S., George P. McCabe, and Bruce Craig. Introduction to Practice of Statistics. 10th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman Co./BFW.
- Peck, Roxy, Chris Olsen, and Jay Devore. Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis. 6th edition. National Geographic/Cengage Learning.
- Peck, Roxy, and Catherine Case. Statistics: Learning From Data. 3rd edition. Cengage Learning.
- Starnes, Daren, and Josh Tabor. The Updated Practice of Statistics. Bedford, Freeman, and Worth.
- Tintle, Nathan, Ruth Carver, Beth Chance, George Cobb et al. Introduction to Statistical Investigations AP Edition. Wiley.
- Watkins, Ann, Richard Scheaffer, and George Cobb. Statistics in Action: Understanding a World of Data. 2nd edition. Wiley.
- Utts, Jessica M., and Robert F. Heckard. Mind on Statistics. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.