
AP English Language and Composition Exam Questions

Free-Response Questions and Scoring Information

Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions.

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2020: Free-Response Questions

Note: The table below features a selection of free-response questions and related scoring information from the 2020 exam. You can find all of the 2020 FRQs and corresponding scoring information in AP Classroom.


2020 Exam: Free-Response Questions, Student Sample Responses, and Scoring Information

Prompts and Samples

Scoring Commentaries

Scoring Information

Prompt for Sample Packet 1 – Johnson

Sample Packet 1 – Johnson

Scoring Commentaries Packet 1 – Johnson

Scoring Guidelines – Johnson

Prompt for Sample Packet 2 – Kennedy

Sample Packet 2 – Kennedy

Scoring Commentaries Packet 2 – Kennedy

Scoring Guidelines – Kennedy

Prompt for Sample Packet 3 – Obama

Sample Packet 3 – Obama

Scoring Commentaries Packet 3 – Obama

Scoring Guidelines – Obama

Scoring Distributions

2019: Rescored Free-Response Questions

2019: Rescored Free-Response Questions and Updated Scoring Information
 SamplesCommentariesScoring Guidelines
Questions originally from the 2019 exam

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Scoring Guidelines

2018: Rescored Free-Response Questions

2018: Rescored Free-Response Questions and Updated Scoring Information
 SamplesCommentariesScoring Guidelines
Questions originally from the 2018 exam

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Scoring Guidelines