
Administer AP Exams Internationally

Register Your School

  • Any school around the world that wishes to administer AP Exams must follow standard procedures. Start by completing a few simple steps to get approved.
  • Read details about deadlines, security policies, and procedures for ordering, administering, and paying for exams.
  • Keep your school's AP contacts current. For security purposes, AP can only discuss your school's AP program administration with the AP coordinator, principal, and alternate AP coordinator indicated on your school's AP Participation Form. Review AP coordinator eligibility criteria listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the AP Coordinator’s Manual.
  • Access to AP Registration and Ordering is provided to the principal or AP coordinator starting in August of the year prior to exams. AP coordinators will need to complete the AP Participation Form in AP Registration and Ordering before exams can be ordered.
  • AP Exam orders must be submitted in November the year prior to exams and order changes may be submitted through March. Review the annual calendar and deadlines.

Administering AP Exams

Testing in China

Information for Schools in China

Not every school in China is permitted to administer AP Exams, even if authorized to offer AP courses. Your school will be informed at the time you receive your AP School Code if you’re able to administer exams or not:

  • Schools authorized by the AP Program to administer AP Exams should follow standard procedures for exam administration. These schools may choose to administer AP Exams to their own students as well as to external students. Your AP coordinator must provide your school’s exam registration information to students.
  • Schools governed by the Chinese Ministry of Education that serve Chinese nationals must instruct their students to take AP Exams at designated test centers operated by Prometric, an AP testing partner. Schools and students must follow Prometric’s timeline for China to register for AP Exams. Instructions to register with Prometric will be sent directly to the school’s AP coordinator. Your AP coordinators can visit the Prometric site for more information about helping your students register. For exam subjects not offered by Prometric, you can direct students to additional AP authorized test centers.

Testing at Alternate Schools or Open Test Centers

If for any reason your school is not yet ready to administer AP Exams, and you’re approached by homeschooled or self-study/independent study students who need a place to test, or you do not offer a specific exam students wish to take, you can advise those students to find an alternate school or authorized test center. 

Let students know that each school and test center sets its own registration policies and procedures, fees, subjects offered, registration deadlines, cancel/refund policies, ID requirements, and additional testing policies as applicable

If you're sending students to test at another school or an AP test center, your school will only receive a student's scores if:

  • Your school is indicated in the student's registration in My AP as the school they attend.
  • A student taking an individual course at your school is enrolled in the corresponding class section for that subject through My AP.

AP Services for Educators

Questions? Contact AP Services for Educators: 

AP Services for Educators Contact Form