
How to Order AP Exams

Follow these steps to order AP Exams.

AP coordinators must take these steps in AP Registration and Ordering to submit AP Exam orders by the November 15 ordering deadline. For all details about completing setup, creating class sections, student enrollment, and finalizing your AP Exam order, refer to the  AP Coordinator’s Manual, Part 1. You can also review the Ordering Help FAQ for support. 

1. Complete initial setup in AP Registration and Ordering.

On August 1, AP coordinators and principals receive an email with their school’s AP Registration and Ordering access code for the 2024-25 school year. The code is specific to this school year. Last year’s AP Registration and Ordering access code can’t be used. Schools receive a new code every year. 

  • If you haven’t already, complete the information in the School Information and Exam Administration sections in AP Registration and Ordering. This information is needed to generate the AP Participation Form. 
  • Complete the AP Participation Form. The AP Participation Form must be electronically signed and submitted online through AP Registration and Ordering before you can order exams. After completing setup, you’ll get an email when your AP Participation Form is ready for you to review and sign. The AP Participation Form needs to be signed and submitted every year.

2. Create class sections and generate join codes. 

After completing initial setup in AP Registration and Ordering, you’ll need to create class sections if teachers haven't already done so. The creation of class sections generates  join codes  (one unique join code per class section per school). Students use join codes to enroll in their class sections.

If your school administers AP Exams to students who aren’t enrolled in a course at your school, you’ll also need to create exam only sections. Only AP coordinators can provide the join code to students in an exam only section. 

3. Students enroll in class sections. 

AP coordinators monitor and manage student enrollment in AP Registration and Ordering. At the start of the school year, students need to sign in to My AP using their College Board login information and enroll in each class section using the unique join code provided by the teacher of each AP class they’re taking. Students should enroll in their class sections by the second day of class. Exam only students need the join code for the exam only section so they can confirm their enrollment and be included in the exam order. 

4. Submit the AP Exam order.     

Submit the AP Exam order from the Orders page in AP Registration and Ordering by these deadlines: 

  • October 4, 2024: Preferred ordering deadline
  • November 15, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET: Final ordering deadline
  • March 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m. ET: Spring course orders and fall order changes deadline 

After you submit your initial exam order, you’ll need to submit changes to your order any time you make an adjustment or update to avoid unintended fees. You can submit changes to your order as many times as necessary until the November 15 final ordering deadline without incurring any late order or unused/canceled exam fees. Fees may apply to changes made after the November ordering deadline.


AP Registration and Ordering