Audio, Calculators, and Word Processors
Learn about audio, calculator, and word processing accommodations for digital AP Exams.
Complete details about these accommodations are in the new AP Accommodations Guide.
Audio: Auditory, Amplification/FM System
Students approved for this accommodation may use their FM system.
4-Function Calculator
Students approved by the College Board SSD office for use of a 4-function calculator may use one for the AP Computer Science Principles Exam or the AP Computer Science A Exam.
Four-function calculator accommodation is also permitted for the non-calculator test sections of AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Precalculus.
The student would need to bring their own four-function calculator because it won’t be available in Bluebook.
Computer Word Processing (for essays only)
Students approved for computer word processing (essays only) may:
- test with the digital AP Exam (no accommodation needed); or
- for hybrid digital exams, use a school-owned and -controlled computer not connected to the internet to type their essay in addition to the device being used for the Bluebook digital exam.