
Requesting Accommodations for AP Exams

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations on AP Exams, such as:

  • Braille exam format
  • Large-print exam format
  • Extended time
  • Extra breaks
  • Large-block answer sheets
  • Permission to use a computer for typing essays
  • Permission to use a magnification device (electronic or non-electronic)
  • A human reader to dictate questions
  • A writer/scribe to record responses
  • A written copy of oral instructions
  • Other types of accommodations, such as embedded text-to-speech, screen reader, or other assistive technology, may be applicable for digital AP Exams. Review details.

To take an AP Exam with accommodations, a student must be approved for accommodations by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Providing accommodations to students without College Board approval will result in cancellation of these students' scores.

Requesting Accommodations

Most students work with the school's SSD coordinator to apply for accommodations before the AP Exam administration. The SSD coordinator requests and manages the accommodations through SSD online.

All requests for accommodations for this year's AP Exams and, when required, complete documentation must be submitted by the SSD coordinator through SSD Online by January 24, 2025.

To learn more about requesting accommodations and administering AP Exams with accommodations, visit College Board SSD.

New: The request process for supports for students with a temporary impairment (such as a broken arm) has been streamlined. SSD coordinators will be able to request temporary supports in SSD Online in the same way that other accommodations and supports are requested.

From the SSD dashboard, coordinators will select New Request, and then select Request Temporary Impairment Support. Documentation can be uploaded through SSD Online, and the students will appear on your school’s SSD Online dashboard.

Ordering Exams for Students with Accommodations

At the beginning of the school year, work with your school's SSD coordinator to identify all students with approved or expected accommodations. When you order exams, you'll need to identify which students may require special AP Exam formats or materials.

For more information about ordering exams with accommodations, go to Ordering AP Exams for Students Testing with Accommodations.
