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AP English Literature and Composition

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Higher Education Faculty Lectures

Supplement your instruction with videos hosted by college and university professors. Watch the videos in AP Classroom, via the Overview page in the Course Guide section, or on the Advanced Placement YouTube channel for this course.  

Additional Resources for AP English Literature and Composition

Special Focus Materials

From Your AP Colleagues



Course Perspective: English Literature and Composition

A teacher’s ideas for new AP English Literature teachers.


Calling Forth Joy: A Poet's Ideas About Teaching Poetry

The former Poet Laureate of Montana discusses how she introduces her students to poetry.


Implicit and Explicit Documentation: Teaching Students to Write from Literature

This article shows how the author uses student examples as models for discussions about incorporating sources into essays.


Why Students Plagiarize and What We Should Do: Part I

A discussion of the reasons students plagiarize and how to teach students to avoid it, along with a list of steps and strategies to help students resist plagiarism.


Anticipating and Previewing Difficult Texts such as The Bluest Eye

A teacher shares guides she uses to help students understand and begin to analyze Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.


The Art of Teaching AP English Literature

A teacher discusses the idea of “justified confidence” and how to foster it in students.


Teaching "Offensive" Literature

A teacher relates his approach to speaking with parents about controversial texts in his classes.

Related Articles


Broadening the Curriculum: Israeli Author Amos Oz

A teacher discusses her experience teaching The Same Sea.


Islamic Women's Voices

This article discusses the potential of the novel So Long a Letter to broaden students’ perspective on Islamic culture and the legacy of colonialism as seen through women’s eyes.


How to Handle the Paper Load

A teacher explains her strategy to reduce time spent reading and grading student papers.

Web Resources


Online Resources Recommended by AP Teachers

A list of online resources recommended by your fellow AP English Literature and Composition teachers.