Your course must fulfill these requirements.
Curricular Requirements:
The teacher and students use a variety of art and design resources which can include books, periodicals, reproductions, and online media.
The teacher and students have access to a digital camera and a computer equipped with image editing software and an internet connection, as well as a digital projector and screen for viewing and discussing works of art and design.
The course provides opportunities for students to practice and develop skills in the following skill categories:
- Skill Category 1: Inquiry and Investigation
- Skill Category 2: Making through Practice, Experimentation, and Revision
- Skill Category 3: Communication and Reflection
The course teaches students to understand integrity in art and design as well as what constitutes plagiarism. If students produce work that makes use of others’ work, the course teaches students how to develop their own work so that it moves beyond duplication of the referenced work(s).
Resource Requirements:
The school ensures that each student has access to art and design materials and resources necessary to meet the requirements for the portfolio the student chooses to submit.
The school ensures that each AP 2-D Art and Design classroom has at least some of the following types of instructional materials that support the formulation of a creative problem and its comprehensive investigation: art and design books, periodicals, reproductions, and digital images.
The school ensures that each teacher has access to a digital projector and screen for viewing and discussing works of art and design with students.
The school ensures that each student and teacher has access to a digital camera and a computer equipped with image editing software and an internet connection. This equipment is required for submitting digital portfolios through the AP Art and Design Digital Submission web application.