
Summary Reports

The following reports are available to school and district administrators. Use these reports to track progress, report on your institution, and plan for the future. These reports are best viewed on a large screen, such as a desktop computer.

Note: These reports only include students who attend your school or district. They do not include students who are instructed by your institution but do not attend your school or district. Because of this, you may see differences in the student count between your summary reports and the Instructional Planning Report, Subject Score Roster, and Organization Score Roster, which do include students who were instructed by but do not attend your school or district.

Current Year Score Summary

This report lists the total numbers of each AP score (1 to 5) for each AP Exam offered at a school, at the school level, and broken down by subject.

This report can be downloaded in CSV format.

District administrators may access an aggregated district-level report, as well as the individual school-level reports.

Note: The Number of AP Students by Score is a count of the number of unique students who earned this score on at least one exam in this administration. This may be less than the Number of Exams per Score listed in the report, as students may choose to take more than one exam in a given administration. For example, if a student took three exams in a given administration and scored a 5 on one exam and a 4 on the remaining two exams, they would be counted once in the number of AP students who earned a 5, and also once in the number of AP students who earned a 4.

Five-Year Score Summary

This report contains five years of data for a school, including subject-specific summaries of total exams, distribution by score, and mean scores. This report is only available for the most recent administration.

This report can be downloaded in CSV format.

Summary by Student Demographics

This report summarizes total AP Exams and score distribution in a school or district by students’ grade level, race/ethnicity, gender, and fee reduction status. Data are broken down at the subject level and include mean score and standard deviation. This report may be further filtered by subject and score.

District administrators may access an aggregated district-level report as well as the individual school-level reports.

Equity and Excellence

This report displays the percentages of a school or district’s entire 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade classes that scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP Exam and the percentage of the senior class that scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP Exam during high school.

In this report, students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam are counted only once, regardless of how many AP Exams they took and were successful in. There is no way to inflate this percentage by restricting access to AP; students who earn 1s or 2s on AP Exams neither increase nor reduce the percentage. In addition, by showing the proportion of the overall population—not just the AP classroom—educators are better able to determine the extent to which their overall population is receiving access to advanced academics in high school.

Overall enrollments are self-reported by schools in AP Registration and Ordering. If you believe the school-provided enrollment data are incorrect, please consult the Equity and Excellence Enrollment Data Incorrect or Missing section of our troubleshooting page.

District Summary by School

Available to district administrators, this report summarizes score distribution in a district and total AP Exams broken down by individual school and subject.

This report can be downloaded in CSV format.

Scholar Summary

This report shows the total number of students who earned an AP Scholar Award or AP Capstone award, by award type and by school.

District administrators may access a version of this report that lists all their schools in one consolidated view

This report can be downloaded in CSV format.

AP School Honor Roll Progress Report 

This report shows a school’s status on the AP School Honor Roll, which recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results for students while broadening access. Learn more about the criteria for earning this recognition. 

District administrators may access the individual school-level reports.  

This report can be downloaded in PDF format.