
AP Workshop Consultant Training Process

If you receive an invitation to become an AP workshop consultant, you’ll complete this training process.

Virtual agenda preparation sessions with advisor Virtual collaboration sessions with your subject’s consultant pool Observation of an online AP workshop

DecemberReceive invitation and complete paperwork to begin training process
FebruaryIn-person training (attendance is required to be part of the training cohort)
March–MayVirtual agenda preparation sessions with advisor
Virtual collaboration sessions with your subject’s consultant pool
Observation of an online AP workshop
June–DecemberPresentation of AP workshop or AP Summer Institute
JanuaryCompletion of training and endorsement*

*While there is no stipend or honorarium provided for any training related to your role as an AP workshop consultant, your travel, lodging, and meal per diem is covered or reimbursed by College Board. CEUs are available upon successful completion of training.