
Instructional Planning Reports

The Instructional Planning Report is a subject-specific report that compares the performance of your students against the global population of test takers, helping you target areas for increased attention and focus in the curriculum.

How You Can Use This Report

  • To identify skill gaps in your group of students.
  • To identify differences in performance between the 2 sections of the exam.
  • To gain an understanding of your students’ performance relative to state and global peers.
  • As a professional development tool to start a discussion about instructional planning with your teachers, coordinators, and other school and district staff.

Interpreting the Report

Summary and Score Distributions

This part of the report displays your students’ performance and score distribution on the 1–5 score scale compared to their state and global peers for the version of the exam they took.

If your organization is outside of the United States, your comparison groups will be at the country and global levels, except for Canada, where comparison groups will be at the province and global levels.

Multiple-Choice Performance

In this part of the report, you can drill down into your students’ performance on the multiple-choice section of the exam. With this data, you can:

  • Identify areas where your group exceeded the state and global means to help highlight your strengths.
  • Find areas for high impact growth by looking at the relative difference between your group and peer means.
  • Drill down into subsets of students using section(s) and filters such as score and grade level. For example, select a score of 2 to see a profile of all students who scored a 2 on the exam. Compare this to a report filtered to only show students who scored a 3 or higher to identify areas for improvement.

Filters will apply to the data for your group of students as well as any aggregate peer data at the state and global levels in your report.

Free-Response Performance

In this section, you’ll see the maximum possible raw (i.e. unweighted) score, your students’ group means, the state means, and the global means for each question.

Additional subject-specific information is included in this section, such as science practice mappings for individual questions on the science exams, and student essay choice selections for the history exams.

Courses with performance tasks or a portfolio component provide performance details across content areas, tasks, and end-of-course exams where applicable. This includes AP Seminar, AP Research, AP Computer Science Principles, the three AP Art and Design courses, and AP African American Studies.

Things to Consider

  • We recommend accessing the Instructional Planning Report on a desktop device for the optimal experience.
  • Small differences in the distribution of students should not be overinterpreted, especially when the number of students in your group is small.
  • If your students tested after the first testing window, you will not be able to view a report for them.
  • If your students took different versions of the exam, your reports for the selected subject(s) will be divided across forms. When you switch between different forms, comparison data will update automatically.
  • If your school used multiple class sections, you may view your report by an individual section, by a subset of your sections, or across all your sections. Only select the sections that you taught.

Downloading Your Instructional Planning Report

Teachers, school administrators, and district administrators can download their roster in PDF format:

  • As a teacher, school administrator, or district administrator you can download your Instructional Planning Report by subject. For this Single PDF option, any sections you have selected and filters you have applied will be reflected in your PDF.
  • As a school or district administrator, you also can download a Multi PDF that contains the Instructional Planning Reports for all subjects given in your school or district aggregated across all sections and grouped by form, with no filters applied.
  • As a district administrator you also have the additional option of downloading the Aggregated for Districts version of this report by subject.
  • If your students took different versions of the exam, all forms will be included in your download, and your report data will be grouped by form.
  • Your download will open in a new tab and may take a few moments to load. Do not close the tab during this time.
