How do I switch a student’s AP Art and Design order from one portfolio type to another?
If you order an AP Art and Design Exam for a student and they indicate after the November 15 final ordering deadline that they'd like to switch to a different portfolio type, the AP coordinator may switch the student's Art and Design Exam in AP Registration and Ordering until March 15 (11:59 p.m. ET) without incurring a late order fee or cancellation fee.
Step 1: Provide the student with the class section join code for the Art and Design subject they want to switch to (the subject they want to submit a portfolio for) and have the student join that class section through My AP. This should be done while the student is still enrolled in their original class section (the one they want to switch out of). Note: (If your school has combined Art and Design classes, you need to create class sections in AP Registration and Ordering for each portfolio type offered at your school to order the portfolios.
For example: A student enrolled in AP Drawing decides they would like to instead submit a portfolio for AP 2-D Art and Design. The student should enroll in the class section for AP 2-D Art and Design while still being enrolled in the class section for AP Drawing.
Step 2: When the student has enrolled in the second class section, you’ll change the student’s Order Exam? status for the first class section from Yes to No.
For example: For the student who wants to switch from AP Drawing to instead submit a portfolio for AP 2-D Art and Design, you’d switch the student’s Order Exam? status for Drawing to No after the student has enrolled in the class section for AP 2-D Art and Design.
Step 3: When you cancel the student’s exam for the first class section (AP Drawing), you’ll be prompted to confirm if you’d like to order a portfolio exam for AP 2-D Art and Design instead. You’d indicate Yes.