Your course must fulfill these requirements.
AP German Language and Culture curricular requirements:
- The teacher uses German almost exclusively in class and encourages students to do likewise.
- The course provides opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary course content and develop skills through the 6 required themes: Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Beauty and Aesthetics, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, and Global Challenges.
- The course provides opportunities for students to demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures.
- The course provides opportunities for students to make cultural comparisons.
- Instructional materials include a variety of authentic audio, visual, and audiovisual sources and authentic written texts.
- The course provides opportunities for students to practice and develop the skills in each skill category:
- Skill Category 1: Comprehend written, audio, audiovisual, and visual text (Interpretive Mode)
- Skill Category 2: Make interdisciplinary and cultural connections (Interpretive Mode)
- Skill Category 3: Interpret the content of written and audio text (Interpretive Mode)
- Skill Category 4: Make meanings from words and expressions (Interpretive Mode)
- Skill Category 5: Communicate interpersonally by speaking with others (Interpersonal Mode)
- Skill Category 6: Communicate interpersonally by writing to others (Interpersonal Mode)
- Skill Category 7: Communicate through spoken presentations (Presentational Mode)
- Skill Category 8: Communicate through written presentations (Presentational Mode)
- The course prepares students to use the target language in real-life situations.
AP German Language and Culture resource requirements:
- The school ensures that each student has a copy of printed course materials for individual use inside and outside of the classroom.
- The school provides audio and video equipment and materials that allow for ongoing opportunities to develop proficiency across the 3 modes of communication. This equipment can include video or DVD players, computers, digital language labs, handheld digital recorders, or compact disc players. iPads and Chromebooks can be used in the classroom for instruction and may be used for recording exam responses only if using the Digital Audio Capture (DAC) app.