Student Benefits and Recognition

Taking part in AP with WE Service gives students the opportunity to build and demonstrate skills such as:

  • Civic engagement: Students build an understanding of their active role in solving today’s local and global problems and are motivated to be agents of change.
  • Leadership: Students perform a role within the project team to own their respective work and present results to community members to motivate further action.
  • Critical thinking and analysis: Students complete a needs assessment of the problem, draw conclusions, and evaluate project impact.
  • Communication and collaboration: Students work collaboratively within teams and with community members to research, plan, and execute service projects by expressing opinions, clearly communicating ideas, and defending a position with evidence.

The benefits of participating in AP with WE Service and earning the student recognition include:

  • Helping to set students apart from other college and university applicants by demonstrating a commitment to civic responsibility and a well-rounded education.
  • Serving as an excellent essay topic for college and university applications.
  • Real world project management experience through the development and implementation of the AP with WE Service project.
  • Leadership experience that can be highlighted in a scholarship application, job application, or general resume. 

Students who meet the requirements of the rubric and sit for the corresponding AP Exam (there is no score requirement) will be notified in late July of their recognition. They will receive an email from the AP Program with a link to a digital certificate and instructions on how to view the designation on their AP score report. See samples of these documents below.
