Host an AP Summer Institute
AP Summer Institutes provide intensive professional learning, with a minimum of 30 instructional hours in no less than four days, in one or more AP subjects. AP Summer Institutes must be led by a College Board–endorsed consultant and hosted by an accredited higher education institution, or an accredited secondary institution with an established higher education partnership.
Applications to host an AP Summer Institute are accepted year-round. Applications must be received by June 15 to be considered for the following summer.
Requirements for Hosting an AP Summer Institute
Strong knowledge of the Advanced Placement program and AP Community in your region.
Experience operating professional learning events. Ability to manage facilities, provide catering, and manage registrations with appointed local staff.
Contract with only those workshop consultants identified by the AP Program as eligible to present at an AP Summer Institute.
Provide an appropriate learning environment by securing facilities and equipment conducive to the learning outcomes of the institute, as well as adequate instructional and learning resources for instructors and learners.
Be furnished in compliance with all applicable statutes, acts, ordinances, laws, rules, regulations, codes, and standards.
AP Summer Institutes must use the Cvent event management application.
Have a policy that respects intellectual and legal property rights for any material used in its learning events.
Provide, upon College Board’s request, a copy of an institute agenda and individual course outlines for any AP Summer Institute.
To maintain endorsement status, directors must adhere to the standards of quality workshop delivery and the terms specified in the annual APSI endorsement agreement.
APSI must attend all required meetings and trainings throughout the year.
If you have questions about the application, please contact [email protected].