AP Availability 2019–2023
For the nation overall, and then for each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C., this report shows percentages of public high school students who have 5 AP courses, 10 AP courses, and at least 1 AP STEM course available in their schools.
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AP Participation 2013–2023
For the nation overall, and then for each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C., this report shows the number and percentage of students in each racial/ethnic group who took an Advanced Placement Exam each year.
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AP Performance 2013–2023
This report shows the counts of AP Exams earning scores of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, and the mean scores across exams, earned nationwide and in each state and Washington, D.C., overall and by student race/ethnicity.
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