

Will students earn college credit from the Career Kickstart pilot courses?

  • Career Kickstart pilot courses are designed to align to the first 2 introductory cybersecurity courses at 2- and 4-year institutions. As College Board does while piloting AP courses, Career Kickstart is actively working with 2- and 4-year colleges to secure credit policies for Career Kickstart courses, leveraging the broadest network of college credit policies available.
  • Pilot 1: In 2024-25, students will not be eligible for college credit from the Cybersecurity pilot. Students who earn a qualifying score on the Career Kickstart Cybersecurity 1 assessment will be eligible to take the CompTIA Networking+ exam at no additional cost.
  • Pilot 2: Assessments taken by students in the 2025-26 pilot will qualify for college credit. College Board is actively developing credit policies for 2025-26 Career Kickstart pilot courses with a focus on 2-year colleges.
  • 2026-27 and later years: College Board will actively work to expand credit policies at 2- and 4-year colleges.