

Do colleges and universities support AP’s standards?

Yes. College faculty from across a wide spectrum of U.S. colleges and universities participate in the EBSS process and typically rate the AP Exam as significantly more difficult than their own institutions’ final exams for the comparable introductory courses. AP students are typically the most academically able students, the top 10%–15% of high school students in that particular subject, and their PSAT and SAT scores are typically much higher than those of the college population at large, indicating very strong academic readiness and abilities in comparison to the general college population. Moreover, AP students typically receive 2–3 times more instructional hours in their AP course than students who wait to take the comparable introductory course in college. Accordingly, higher ed faculty generally support AP grade distributions in which 60%–80% of AP students receive AP scores equivalent to a college C or better (i.e., an AP score of 3 or higher). 

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