

Can a student take both AP and Career Kickstart courses?

  • Yes! Career Kickstart and AP courses are made for all high school students to benefit from college-level coursework.
  • In the discipline of computing, Career Kickstart can be paired with AP to deepen a student’s journey to college and career. Students can take Career Kickstart's Cybersecurity courses before, after, or alongside AP Computer Science A or AP Computer Science Principles.
    • For example, Student A takes AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) first and learns about the field of computer science. She thinks she might really enjoy a job in this industry, so she signs up to take Career Kickstart Cybersecurity the next school year.
    • Student B starts with Career Kickstart Cybersecurity courses to focus on cybersecurity. She’s not sure if she wants a job in this industry but is hooked on computer science. She takes AP CSP to learn about other topics in the field.
    • Student C takes both AP CSP and Career Kickstart Cybersecurity 1 at the same time because she loves computer science and knows she wants a career in the field. Over the year, her interest grows and she continues with Career Kickstart Cybersecurity 2 and AP Computer Science A (CSA) before finishing high school.
    • In addition to those students who take both programs, Student D starts in Career Kickstart Cybersecurity 1 and decides to continue to Career Kickstart Cybersecurity 2 before landing an apprenticeship that puts her on the path to becoming a cybersecurity analyst