2003: Music Theory Exam Student Samples
Audio Files
Here are some sample student responses from the 2003 AP Music Theory Exam. Please see the text following the files for more information about using them. Commentary is heard at the end of each student audio sample.
2003 AP Music: Sight-Singing Directions
2003 AP Music Audio Sample Q1A: Score 9
2003 AP Music Audio Sample Q1B: Score 8
2003 AP Music Sound Sample Q1B: Score 5
2003 AP Music Sound Sample Q1D: Score 4
2003 AP Music Audio Sample Q2A: Score 9
2003 AP Music Audio Sample Q2B: Score 8
2003 AP Music Sound Sample Q2C: Score 5
2003 AP Music Sound Sample Q2D: Score 3
Downloading Files
To download an MP3 file directly to your computer, right-click on the Download link (control-click on Mac) and:
- If you use the Internet Explorer browser, choose Save Target As.
- If you use Firefox, Chrome or Safari, choose Save Link As.
- After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it.