Introducing AP Business Principles/Personal Finance

As part of the Career KickstartTM series, this course is designed to prepare all students for careers in business.

What Is AP Business Principles/Personal Finance?

AP Business Principles/Personal Finance, the latest course in development, is designed to prepare students for higher-level business courses in college and help them build workforce-ready skills for successful business careers.

A student holds a backpack and smiles

Why Offer the Course?

AP Business Principles/Personal Finance introduces students to the fields of marketing, finance, accounting, and management through real-world business scenarios and case studies. 

Key benefits:

  • Students learn essential personal finance concepts to enhance their understanding of business topics and individual financial decision making.
  • More students will have the opportunity to receive college credit, earn industry-recognized credentials, and boost their GPA. 
A male teacher with a big smile

During the course, students will:

Gain deep understanding of the business field and its role in society

Discover how businesses create value and earn profits by meeting customers’ needs

Apply course concepts and practice decision making skills during an entrepreneurial project

Course Development Timeline

Get Involved

We’re developing the course in partnership with colleges, universities, high schools, career and technical student organizations, and trade organizations. If you’d like to lend your expertise, sign up to learn about ways to participate.