AP Computer Science Courses

Explore courses that can fuel your students' future.

Why Offer AP Computer Science Courses?

AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) and AP Computer Science A (AP CSA) can help students understand how computing and technology influence the world around us.

Both courses:

  • Provide a solid introduction to programming content and skills.
  • Drive interest and continuing studies in the field of computer science.
  • Require familiarity with concepts from Algebra 1.
  • Do not require any computer science or coding experience.
A teacher and student look at a computer together

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Hear from students about their experience taking AP computer science courses.

AP Computer Science Principles

Students learn how to creatively address real-world issues while using the same tools that artists, computer scientists, and engineers use to bring ideas to life.

Learn More About Adopting AP CSP

AP Computer Science A

Students do hands-on work to design, write, and test computer programs that solve problems or accomplish tasks using Java code. 

Learn More About Adopting AP CSA

“If you learn about computer science, you have the ability to change the world.”

Art Lopez, AP Computer Science Principles Teacher

Explore the Curricula and Exams

AP Computer Science Principles

This college-level course introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science.

Explore AP CSP

AP Computer Science A

This college-level course introduces students to the concepts and tools of computer science and Java coding.

Explore AP CSA