Teacher Webinars

AP Art and Design Webinars

Learn about online sessions and webinars, or watch recorded ones, for 2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design, Drawing, and Art History.

The Latest

AP Art and Design and Inquiry Writing

Director of AP Art and Design, Rebecca Stone-Danahy, and Director of AP English Literature and Composition, Susie Bonsey, share best practices and insight into student inquiry writing in this on-demand webinar.

Length: 1:08:53

2024 AP Art and Design and AP Digital Portfolio Updates

AP Art and Design Director, Rebecca Stone-Danahy, highlights AP Digital Portfolio updates for students and teachers. This short presentation includes information about the optional depth text box for all portfolios, the optional citation box for all images and works, and the teacher plagiarism attestation. Rebecca additionally reviews where to find AP Art and Design content on AP Central, the 2023 AP Art and Design Exhibit preview, and discusses artificial intelligence in AP Art and Design. 

Length: 17:53

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Video Resources from Past School Years

AP Digital Portfolio: How to Navigate the New AP Art and Design Student Submission Site

During this webinar, you'll learn how to guide your students through the new AP Digital Portfolio. Although the portfolio requirements haven't changed, the updated user experience for students and teachers simplifies uploading written and visual evidence and submitting student portfolios to AP.

Length: 59 minutes

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AP Digital Portfolio and AP Art and Design

This presentation is a review of how to use AP Digital Portfolio. You’ll learn how to view and review student work and progress in the Sustained Investigation and Selected Works portfolio components, upload resources, review student work for plagiarism, and work with your students to meet the portfolio submission deadline.

Length: 31:07 

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AP Art and Design Exhibits and Inquiry

In the webinar, you’ll learn how students and teachers approach inquiry and artmaking through featured portfolios, review the 2022 AP Art and Design Exhibit features, and gain insight into best practices you can implement in your classroom.

Length: 1:04 

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Connecting AP Art and Design and AP Art History

Presenters: Ginger Spivey and Rebecca Stone-Danahy 

Learn how the skills and content in AP Art History can support learning objectives in AP Art and Design. By modeling the use of visual and contextual analysis to better understand a work of contemporary art, this webinar suggests ways that students can use art history to conduct research for the sustained investigation to create works that communicate original ideas. Issues of appropriation and plagiarism are also addressed. 

Length: 1:07:28

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Best Practices on Using the Updated 2023 AP Art and Design Rubrics

Join AP Art and Design instructors Jess Perry-Martin, Cristina Correa, Brice McCasland, and LaTonya Hicks to learn more about best practice classroom application of the 2023 updated AP Art and Design rubrics and 2024 scoring guidelines. 

Length: 1:09:27 

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How to Use AP Daily Videos in AP Art and Design

Rebecca Stone-Danahy, Director of AP Art and Design, and Connie Zammett, AP Art and Design Reader, review how to use the AP Daily videos in your classroom, navigate AP Classroom, assign videos to students, and approach the video series within your curriculum.

Length: 10 minutes

About the 2021 AP Art and Design Exhibit

Rebecca Stone-Danahy, director of AP Art and Design, features highlights from the 2021 AP Art and Design Digital Exhibit, which showcases each student’s journey to create meaningful works of art. In addition, the exhibit features teacher and principal statements describing best practices in the field. 

Length: 31 minutes

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Using the 2020 Digital Exhibit as a Teaching Tool in AP Art and Design

Learn how to navigate the digital exhibit and the featured content focusing on student process and product, and get suggestions for how to use the digital exhibit in your face-to-face, hybrid, or online learning environment.

Length: 43 minutes

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2020 AP Teacher Day: AP Art and Design

Rebecca A. Stone-Danahy, Director of AP Art and Design, and M. Colleen Harrigan, AP Art and Design Online Teacher Community Moderator, provide insights into the AP Art and Design Course and Exam Description, resources available in the AP Online Teacher Community, portfolio requirements and scoring, and student portfolio samples for 2-D, 3-D, and Drawing.

Length: 40 minutes

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