2020 AP with WE Service Scholarship Winners

The AP with WE Service Scholarship was created to recognize students for the completion of their service learning projects for AP with WE Service and reward exceptional students who have made a positive impact on their local and global communities.

In summer 2020, each winner (an individual student or a team) was awarded a $50,000 scholarship.

We are thrilled to announce the 2020 winners.

Project 1

Ricarda Suarez
Roseland University Prep, Santa Rosa, California
Course: AP Spanish Language and Culture

Ricarda conducted an in-depth investigation of California Assembly Bill 1922, which would make climate change education a requirement for California students. She met with assembly members to research the lawmaking process and learn how the legislative branch of government works. Based on this research, Ricarda developed a presentation for a Climate Action Night event in which she explained the need for climate change education and advocated for the passage of the bill. Her presentation was seen by over 2,000 community members. Ricarda has spoken in front of local officials to convince them of the value of considering young people’s input on proposed legislation and has worked with multiple organizations,

NewGen Peacebuilders, to build greater awareness of climate issues. She also worked with her class on a global project to collect and donate funds to a school in Peru to support the creation of a school garden. 


The AP with WE Service experience was not just an experience, it was a developing mechanism to understand what I am passionate about and care to change in my community.

—Ricarda Suarez

Project 2

Class group: Lachyn Almazova, Aisha Ansari, Chloe Campton, Tyler Jaquays, Nicole Litvinchuk, Ariana Martinez, Meenakshi Nambiar, Julia Reale, Andrew Salk, Daniel Sanchez
West Boca Raton High School, Boca Raton, Florida
Course: AP Research

After researching the devastating impact that poverty has on literacy and the long-term implications of this impact, this group carried out a series of activities to promote lifelong literacy. They partnered with a fourth-grade class at S.D. Spady Elementary School to implement effective literacy strategies, including serving as pen pals to the elementary school students to encourage reading and writing, writing personalized books for the students, and creating engaging activities aligned with the reading and writing instruction at the elementary school. The group also developed a social media campaign to raise awareness of the effects of poverty on literacy and used raised funds to build a literacy corner for the elementary school.



AP with WE Service will always have a special place in my heart as this project is much more than just giving back to the community, it brings people together and inspires them to take actions that ultimately make a tremendous change in many lives.

—Lachyn Almazova




The AP with WE Service project allowed me to make a profound impact in our community and help those in need, creating a fun and unique experience.

—Aisha Ansari




While participating in AP with WE Service this year with my peers in AP Research, all of us collectively had developed a bond amongst ourselves and our wider community of Palm Beach, it became apparent that we were a part of a cause much greater than we originally thought, youth literacy.

—Chloe Campton




The AP with WE Service experience broadened my perspective on how students are able to initiate meaningful change in their communities through collaborative effort and commitment to overcoming real world challenges.

—Tyler Jaquays




The AP with WE Service was such a significant experience, it was a great opportunity on becoming more aware of the issues in our community and globally, and being able to collaborate with others as a team in order to mitigate these issues made this a rewarding experience.

—Nicole Litvinchuk




AP with WE Service allowed me to use my AP Capstone skillset and give back to the children in my community. We were able to foster a love for literacy within them, laying the foundation for educational success in the future. This project was incredibly rewarding.

—Ariana Martinez




My journey with AP with WE Service for the past two years was uplifting, as it allowed me to make a direct impact on my community by not only helping them, but inspiring them to do the same.

—Meenakshi Nambiar




The AP with WE Service experience was rewarding in the sense that it allowed my peers and I to gain a new perspective on the world around us, while simultaneously developing a profound impact on the children of our community.

—Julia Reale




Being granted this scholarship has shown me that hard work, determination, and a strong individual and group effort can pay off greatly and I am very thankful to have received this opportunity and recognition.

—Andrew Salk




In a classroom, students look at issues within a vacuum, however, with AP with WE Service, students are able to apply their knowledge of real-world problems to create practical solutions that help their community.

—Daniel Sanchez