
AP School Honor Roll

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools doing outstanding work to welcome more students into AP courses.

School Recognition Program Launched in 2023

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results for students while broadening access. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. 

The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. 

Qualifying Criteria 

For a school to be recognized on the AP School Honor Roll in a given year, it must: 

  • Meet each of the following criteria for their students in the most recent graduating class; these criteria are anchored in research-based relationships between AP and college outcomes: 
    • College Culture: 40% or more of the graduating cohort took at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
    • College Credit: 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a 3 or higher on at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
    • College Optimization: 2% or more of the graduating cohort took 5 or more AP Exams during high school. At least 1 of those exams was taken in 9th or 10th grade, so that students are spreading their AP experience across grades rather than feeling disproportionate pressure in any single year. 
  • Have full-time grade-12 enrollments. AP coordinators can update this information online in AP Registration and Ordering. Learn how.
  • Be located within the United States (including U.S. territories) or Canada. 

How to Be Considered 

Schools don’t need to apply for the AP School Honor Roll.  

To be considered for the AP School Honor Roll (announced in October), AP coordinators should make sure their school’s data for schoolwide 12th-grade enrollment is correctly entered into AP Registration and Ordering. This part of the AP Participation Form can be updated throughout the school year. This can also be found on the School Information and Participation Contacts screen under Settings. Make sure that the school year is first switched to the correct year by selecting the year next to the school name on the AP Registration and Ordering homepage. 

To have their schools included in the public list of 2024-25 recipients, AP coordinators need to enter this data by August 31, 2025.

For detailed instructions on how to update enrollment data, read this FAQ.

If a school does not wish to be considered for the AP School Honor Roll, the AP coordinator should leave this data field blank. If your school does not have a 12th grade, enter zero. This field can continue to be updated even after your information has been submitted.

AP Access Award

Schools on the AP School Honor Roll may also earn the AP Access Award, honoring schools that demonstrate a clear and effective commitment to equitable access to advanced coursework. Schools earn the additional award if the percentage of AP Exam takers who are underrepresented minority and/or low-income students mirrors the school's overall student demographics. For example, if 50% of a school's student body is low income, then 50% of the AP Exam takers must also be low income for a school to receive the AP Access Award. 

To be considered for this additional award, AP coordinators should make sure their school’s percentage of free and reduced-price lunch (FRPL) student population data is correctly entered into AP Registration and Ordering. This is a part of the AP Participation Form and can be updated throughout the school year. This can also be found on the School Information and Participation Contacts screen under Settings. Make sure that the school year is set to the correct year by selecting the year next to the school name on the AP Registration and Ordering homepage. Note that if you are a CEP school you may select the “My school has adopted the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the current academic year” option, and a proxy percentage of 75% will then be used in the award calculation.

If a school does not wish to be considered for the AP Access Award, the AP coordinator should leave the percent of qualifying FRPL students field blank. Schools may still be considered for the AP School Honor Roll even if they do not wish to be considered for the AP Access Award.  

Receiving Recognition

AP coordinators, principals, and other school and district administrators can view a school’s status on the AP School Honor Roll Progress Report by signing in to AP Score Reports for Educators. Honor Roll schools can also download a kit to help celebrate their recognition with their community.

For schools also earning the AP Access Award, the AP School Honor Roll Progress Report will reflect that recognition as well. 

District administrators with access to AP Score Reports for Educators can view a district aggregate version of the AP School Honor Roll Progress Report with the status of all their schools at a glance.

