
AP Score Reports for Educators

Reasons a Student or Score May Not Appear on Your Reports

Before submitting a request to add a missing student, please check if the following situations are applicable:

  1. Score is in progress: Some scores may take longer to process due to special circumstances (e.g., late testing, late arrival of testing materials, extra time needed to match records, or an irregularity during the administration). Check your student roster in AP Registration and Ordering to see when/if the student took the exam. Students will receive an email when their outstanding scores are available and educator reports will be refreshed daily.
  2. Student did not take the exam: Your AP coordinator can check their Student Roster within AP Registration and Ordering to see when the exam was scheduled and if the student took the exam.
  3. Student submitted a response that couldn’t be fully scored.
  4. Student’s name is misspelled/incorrect: Check to see if the student is listed under a nickname, misspelled their name, or reversed their first and last names. If their name is incorrect, please have the student reach out to AP Services for Students to have this corrected.
  5. Student is in incorrect section: If a student is not showing up in their expected section in the Subject Score Roster report, check the other sections listed for that subject. If the student is in an incorrect section, the AP coordinator can correct this in AP Registration and Ordering. Learn how to make a section update (.pdf).
  6. Student's score not yet reported: Some scores may take longer to process. It may be the case that a student is not missing from your organizations reports but rather that their score is delayed.
    • If a student took multiple exams in the same year and some but not all scores are displaying in your Subject Score Rosters, then possibly the missing scores are delayed.
    • If a student took multiple exams in the same year and all scores are missing in your Subject Score Rosters, then the student may be missing because they provided the incorrect attending school on their registration.
  7. Student’s score is canceled: To check if a students score is canceled, run their Student Score Report or export the Student Datafile. Details about their exam records will be visible, including any event codes indicating a cancellation. Note that students may choose to cancel their scores at any time.
  8. Student put incorrect attending school on their registration: A student may not appear in your reports if they selected the wrong school during the registration process or transferred schools midyear and did not update their registration. You may have your AP coordinator or principal submit a request to add a student via the Administrator Tools available on the website to correct this issue. As part of our commitment to protecting student data, once your request has been received, we will reach out to the student to give them the opportunity to review and confirm or deny your request. Because of this, a response to your request may take longer than our usual timeframe of 7–10 business days. Find out how to identify if “incorrect attending school” is the root cause of a missing score.

Possible Reasons Report Data Are Unavailable for Your School or District

  1. Your school did not administer any AP Exams during the selected administration year.
  2. Scores have not been reported yet. Some scores take longer to process due to late testing dates or other circumstances (e.g., late arrival of testing materials, extra time needed to match records, or an irregularity during the administration). To check when and if your students tested, AP coordinators can go to AP Registration and Ordering to view the student roster. Students will receive an email when their outstanding scores are available and educator reports will be refreshed daily.

No Data Available after applying report filters: In some situations, there are no data available for your chosen filters. For example, if you choose to view all 10th-grade students who scored a 4, but none of your students received that score, you will see a message directing you to select different criteria.

Possible Reasons Instructional Planning Report Data Are Unavailable

You will only be able to view an Instructional Planning Report for exams administered during the first two weeks of May. Instructional Planning Reports are not available for exams taken during late testing. If the Subject Score Roster does show scores but there are no data in the Instructional Planning Report, this indicates that students took a form of the exam that is unreleased.

Equity and Excellence Enrollment Data Incorrect or Missing

The Equity and Excellence report displays the percentages of the school's entire 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-grade classes that scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP Exam and the percentage of the school's senior class that scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP Exam during high school. This report is based on self-reported enrollment data from the school.

  • If a school did not provide this information in AP Registration and Ordering, their report will show n/a in the applicable fields.
  • Percentages may not be what is expected if the school provided the total number of AP students by grade rather than the total school enrollment by grade.

To update enrollment data, the school AP coordinator may log in to AP Registration and Ordering and follow these steps:

  • Select the applicable school year.
  • Navigate to Settings.
  • Expand the School Information and Participation Contacts section.
  • Scroll to the Student Population fields and choose Edit.
  • Make updates in the displayed prompt and click Save.

Changes to the enrollment data for the 2022-23 school year may be made through June 2024. Changes to the enrollment data for the 2023-24 school year may be made through June 2025. Updates to released reports are typically reflected within 1–3 business days.

Teachers Unable to See Reports for Course Authorized Subjects

Only teachers authorized through the AP Course Audit for the most recent year for which AP score data have been released have access to their students' exam scores online.

  • Teachers must have their AP course authorization renewed every year to continue to have access to current and previous years' AP reports. To view reports for the 2023 exam administration and any prior year data they may be course authorized for in the last 5 AP Exam administrations, teachers must have course authorization for the 2022-23 school year.
  • To view reports for the 2024 exam administration (available July 2024), teachers must have course authorization for the 2023-24 school year. 

  • Check your course authorization status at AP Course Audit before February of every year. If your authorization is not up to date, contact your AP Course Audit administrator at your school.

  • If you are a teacher with course authorization under the general state homeschool organization, you don’t have access to score reports via AP Score Reports for Educators.
  • If you are a teacher who was granted special permission to access AP Registration and Ordering and AP Classroom but you dont have course authorization in AP Course Audit for the current administration year, then you wont have access to score reports.

If youre course authorized and can sign into AP Score Reports for Educators but dont see your selected subject in the subject/section selection dropdown menu after clicking that subject on the report dashboard, all of your students scores in that subject may be delayed. Most scores are available by late summer. Students will receive an email when their delayed scores are available and educator reports are refreshed daily. If you have not received scores by August 15, contact AP Services for Educators.

No Subscores for Calculus BC and Music Theory in 2020

For the 2020 AP Exam administration, subscores for Calculus BC and Music Theory were not available.

Total Exam Counts Are Different Across Reports

If you are comparing total exam counts across different reports and the numbers don’t appear to match, do the following:

  1. Ensure that delayed and canceled scores are accounted for. The Student Datafile and Student Score Report both contain the full AP Exam taking history for a student across multiple exam administrations. If a score is delayed or canceled, the student exam record in these two reports will include any event codes and event descriptions indicating either a delay or cancellation. All other reports only include scores that have been released, that is, not delayed or canceled.
  2.  Identify any students you instructed who don’t attend your school full time. Most students take AP courses at the same school they attend full time, and this is the school they indicate in their AP registration. But in some cases, students may receive instruction and enroll in a class section for a specific course at a school different than the one they attend full time. This could be because their full-time school doesn’t offer that specific course or because they’re taking the course through an online provider. 

    A student will still appear in your Subject Score Roster and Organization Score Roster reports if they were instructed by a teacher at your school for a specific subject or subject(s) and enrolled in a class section under that teacher, even though they do not attend your school full time. This is so their teacher can see their score for that subject.

    School and district administrators can filter these students out of their reports by using the Attended/Instructed filter.

    All other reports, including the Student Datafile, Student Score Report, and Summary Reports only include those students who indicated they attend your school as their primary institution, and don’t include the instructed students who don’t attend your school full time.
  3. Identify any students in exam only sections who don’t attend your school full time. Scores for students in exam only sections who don’t attend your school full time are not included in any of your score reports.
  4. Make sure you aren’t including subscores in the total exam count. For AP Calculus BC, there is a Calculus AB subscore provided. For AP Music Theory, there are two subscores provided—aural and nonaural components. These subscores show up as separate scores and reports in the Subject Score Roster, Instructional Planning Report, Student Datafile, Student Score Report, Organization Score Roster, and Five-Year Score Summary.

    If you are comparing data in the above reports to data in reports that don’t include subscores, make sure to account for this difference. Reports that don’t contain subscores are the Current Year Score Summary, District Summary by School, Summary by Student Demographics, Equity and Excellence report, and Scholar Roster.

    Note: Subscores for AP Calculus BC and AP Music Theory were not available for the 2020 exam administration. 
